Health and Safety

Safety Policy Statement

Luma Engineering Ltd acknowledges and accepts its statutory responsibility for securing the health, safety and welfare of all its employees and others involved with the activities of the company.

The Directors of Luma Engineering Ltd regard the promotion of Health and Safety measures as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels.

It is therefore this Company’s policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards, including the public in so far as they come into contact with the company or its products.

In particular, the Company has a responsibility:

  • To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions taking account of any statutory requirements.
  • To provide training and instruction to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
  • To make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and to supervise their use.
  • To maintain a constant and continuing interest in Health and Safety matters applicable to the Company’s activities and for its management to set an example in safe behaviour.

Employees have a duty to co-operate in the operation of this policy:

  • By working safely and efficiently.
  • By using the protective equipment supplied, and by meeting statutory obligations.
  • By reporting to their supervisors incidents that have led or may lead to injury or damage.
  • By adhering to company procedures for securing a safe workplace.
  • By assisting in the investigation of accidents with the object of introducing measures to prevent a recurrence.

The Company Health and Safety Policy will be kept constantly under review and will be modified and updated as circumstances and experiences dictate and any revisions will be brought to the attention of all employees.

The Directors of Luma Engineering Ltd fully endorse this Policy and will make it available to all interested parties via the company’s website.